Stevenage & Gamlingay Clinics
Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire & Cambridgeshire
Rob Hill, Hannah Walder & Associates
Foot, Ankle, Knee & Hip Pain
The knee is the largest joint in the body. It is a major weight-bearing joint and is one of the most frequently injured joints in the human body. Above and below the knee, are the hip and ankle respectively. As the song goes - "the ankle bone's connected to the leg bone, the thigh bone's connected to the knee bone, the knee bone's connected to the thigh bone, the thigh bone's connected to the hip bone" - and so on! Although not completely anatomically correct, there is much truth in this!
Foot, ankle, knee and hip pain can have a number of different causes, can be painful and debilitating and, although some conditions may require surgery, most can be helped with the right advice, exercise and treatment.
The 'lower extremity' includes the whole foot and leg to the hip. Many people think that Osteopaths deal primarily with back pain, but in actual fact, lower extremity cases make up a large proportion of our work. knee joint lies between the femur and tibia and at the front is the patella or kneecap.
Damage, strain or sprain to the structures of the lower extremity can give rise to symptoms. It can be the result of a sudden injury as often seen in sports injuries, by repeatedly placing strain on an area such as the knee or hip, or long term wear and tear . Poor alignment of the ankle, knee and hip joints or maltracking of the kneecap and altered lower extremity mechanics are almost always significant contributory factors.
Osteoarthritis or wear and tear is a common condition that affects the lower extremity. Common symptoms include pain, stiffness, aching, locking, swelling, limping and difficulty fully straightening or bending the ankle, knee or hip.
X-rays, scans and other tests are not always needed in the first instance and lots can be done with treatment, strengthening exercises and weight management. Losing 1lb of weight has been shown to relieve 5lbs of pressure from your knees. If your arthritis symptoms are significant and the conservative management described above does not help, then we may make a referral to your GP for X-Ray or suggest a consultant opinion. We have excellent links with local Orthopaedic surgeons and can work with them to do what is best for you.
We are ALWAYS happy to talk to you about your health and how you may benefit from Osteopathic treatment.
Just give us a call on 01438 364652 or email
In all cases, if having undergone your Initial Consultation, we feel that Osteopathic treatment is not the most suitable course of action for you at that time, we will discuss this will you fully, explaining why, and then refer you to see your GP to discuss further investigation if that is what we consider to be clinically appropriate.