Stevenage & Gamlingay Clinics
Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire & Cambridgeshire
Rob Hill, Hannah Walder & Associates

What we treat
We pride ourselves on our extremely high levels of professional care and as a team, we work together to give you the very best of everyone's knowledge, skill and expertise here. Our Osteopaths are highly trained, experienced and all all Registered with the General Osteopathic Council.
We don't just treat athletes - everyone can benefit from our approach to your care and wellbeing.
​Osteopaths are commonly known for treating back pain and postural problems BUT we deal with so much more.
Listed below you will find just a few of the common joint and muscle conditions that we help:
* Back pain and sciatica
* Neck pain and stiffness
* Sports Injuries
* Arthritic pain
* Hip pain including trochanteric bursitis
* Knee pain including patellar tendinopathy, runners'/jumpers' knee
* Foot & ankle pain including plantar fasciitis/fasciopathy
* Shoulder problems including rotator cuff injuries, bursitis and tendinopathy
* Cervicogenic headaches
* Postural problems
We are ALWAYS happy to talk to you about your health and how you may benefit from Osteopathic treatment.
Just give us a call on 01438 364652 or email reception@osteopathyfirst.co.uk
If having undergone your Initial Consultation, we feel that Osteopathic treatment is not the most suitable course of action for you at that time, we will discuss this will you fully, explaining why, and then referring you to see your GP to discuss further investigation if that is what we consider to be clinically appropriate.