Stevenage & Gamlingay Clinics
Hertfordshire, Bedfordshire & Cambridgeshire
Rob Hill, Hannah Walder & Associates

Virtual Appointments - wherever you are
At a glance we:
Take a complete case history to provide a working diagnosis
Examine range of motion and functional movements
Evaluate strength and stability
Prescribe a specific program with exercises and stretches – with supporting photos/videos and description
Use any equipment you have at home in these programs
Correct exercise form and provide cues to perform them more effectively
Provide self joint mobilization and soft tissue treatment techniques
Educate you on your injury and give prognosis and expected recovery times
During the COVID-19 global pandemic, we offered continuity of care for our patients by offering virtual appointments via Zoom. For those who undertook virtual appointments, we had some excellent results and positive feedback so we will continue to offer this service for those who cannot get to see us. If your symptoms are too acute, you live too far away, you are working away from home or you are on holiday then we will continue to offer virtual appointments in the future for those who still wish to benefit from our knowledge. You can to speak to an expert quickly on how to best to manage your symptoms.
What to expect in your virtual appointment?
We use Zoom to make our virtual appointment calls which will allow us to see each other on a split screen and talk at ease. Click HERE for full information and instructions on the process.
Like our face to face sessions, patients will be asked questions about their presenting symptoms; Where is the pain? How/when did it start? What is the character of the pain? What makes it better or worse and how is it limiting you in your day to day life? Depending on the area and symptoms we will delve into more clinically specific questions. After this, we will ask you to perform a variety of movements as well as ask you to perform certain orthopaedic tests to help us to establish a working diagnosis. We can do this effectively during the virtual appointment and means you can avoid face to face contact or having to use emergency services as your first call. If during this consultation we are concerned that your symptoms are due to something other than a musculo-skeletal (MSK) injury, we will recommend that you seek GP advice.
For existing/current patients that we have been treating at the clinics, we will discuss improvements/changes in your symptoms picture from our last session as well as the progress of your prescribed exercises. Based on this, we will be able to advise on the development of your specific exercise prescription which we can track, as well as any other relevant helpful advice on posture, heat/ice application and things to avoid. We can also help you to assess your own workstation set up at home, and offer advice and solutions to improve your posture here.
Our 'treatment' may involve showing you self-massage and mobilisation exercises which we will follow up with in your rehab programs which will include a detailed description as well as images and videos to ensure they are performed correctly. Our programs are personalised and specific to you and give details on how many to do, how often and what equipment to use. Our professional rehab software also allows you to give feedback on the exercises as you perform them in terms of difficulty and has a timer so you can share how long the routine takes and see the time drop as you get better at doing them.
Kindly note that we are not able to offer Virtual appointments to patients in The U.S.A. or Canada.
How can it be effective?
Our expertise and reputation are not solely based on our hands on manual skills but our many years of experience which allows us to be effective detectives when finding the source of your problem and being able to successfully improve and manage it with advice and exercise prescription.
We have a diverse and highly skilled inter-disciplinary team which includes osteopaths and physiotherapists who are all highly qualified practitioners. Our Principles have worked with international teams around the world as well as at the Olympic and Paralympic Games, worked as a Team GB track and field therapist at the European and World Indoor Athletics Championships (Serbia 2017 & Birmingham 2018), European Athletics Championships Berlin 2018, and World Athletics Championships London 2017 & Doha 2019 as well as a host of other international elite competitions.
What are the benefits?
Continuity of care from your practitioner
Professional advice with a working diagnosis with strategies on making a recovery without having face to face contact
You do not have to leave your home
Receive follow-up appointments with a focus on exercises, stretching and self-help therapy
The same level of expertise at a lower fee
Same day appointments for new patients and being able to arrange appointments to suit
Beginning your road to recovery ASAP
What to do I need to do?
You are welcome to wear shorts and a vest if you will feel more comfortable to wear these during your examination. Please make sure you are in a quiet environment where you will not be disturbed and feel safe and comfortable to speak to us
If you are a sports person or runner, please have your sports or running shoes/boots to hand as this will assist us in our investigation of your condition
If you have had any previous investigations such as x-rays or MRIs and you have reports please have copies of these and any other previous medical findings which are pertinent to your case. They can be sent digitally to your practitioners secure Osteopathy First email beforehand so that they can red through them
If you would like to discuss this in more detail please feel free to make an enquiry using the link below
​​​Virtual appointment fees
Initial Consultation - lasts up to one hour - £45 (Associate) - £60 (Director)
Subsequent Appointment - lasts up to 30 minutes - £40 (Associate) - £50 (Director)