Common Running Technique Flaws
​​ At Hertfordshire Sports Clinics and Hertfordshire Foot Clinic we see a lot of runners presenting with wide ranging complaints from...

Interdisciplinary Approach To Patient Care
Here at The Hertfordshire Sports Clinic we see many different patients and although we are considered a leading sports injury clinic that...

Sponsored Athlete Grant Ramsay
At osteopathy First we have had a select group of patients who we see as possessing great potential to really achieve their goals if they...

Happy feet for runners...
Running. Fabulous for your cardio health - but most runners will tell you it can sometimes wreak havoc on your feet, with blackened...

Back care on holiday...
August is upon us and it seems as though everyone is holidaying. This can be a vulnerable time for those of you with bad backs so follow...

Back care for decorating...
We are currently seeing a lot of folk coming into the clinic telling us that they're decorating their homes. There are a number of...

Back care in the garden and on the allotment...
Summer is definitely here and those of us who enjoy getting out gardening have been working hard for months. Whether you are a flower...

Achilles Tendinopathy explained...
Achilles tendinopathy historically was called Achilles tendinitis, but we now know more about the condition which can be acute (reactive)...

Patellar tendinopathy explained...
Patellar tendinopathy historically was called Patellar tendinitis, but we now know more about the condition which is degenerative, caused...